Why not get the benefits of using retinol?

 Retinol is one of the most popular skin care ingredients these days. It is said that retinol is the hero of anti aging skin care. So many who have started skincare to control the signs of aging may have added it to their skincare routine. But many times it is seen that even after using retinol, the benefits are not obtained, instead it seems that the skin condition is getting worse. If this is the case with you, then today's feature is for you. Because today I am going to tell you in detail why retinol, despite being so effective, may not work for your skin.

Why not get the benefits of using retinol?

Retinol in skin care

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. All retinol and retinoids are derived from vitamin A. It is a very well known active ingredient. Retinol plays an effective role in removing skin fine lines, wrinkles, etc. by increasing skin cell turnover, renewing skin cells. In addition to this, it helps reduce acne, lighten acne scars, and even lighten sunburns and acne scars.

Why is using retinol not beneficial?

Using retinol in skin care is very important. Many are now adding it to their skin care routine. But for some mistakes retinol may not work properly on your skin. Now let's know about those mistakes.

Age and skin problems are not considered

Whether or not a retinol product will suit the skin and work properly depends a lot o

Why not get the benefits of using retinol?

n age and skin concerns. Since retinol works best to reverse the signs of aging, using retinol in teens can be harmful to the skin. Rather, those with skin aging signs, acne or hyperpigmentation problems can get better results using retinol. If you have other skin problems besides these, retinol may not work for you.

Lack of consistency

Consistency is said to be one of the keys to any skin care regimen. Using any skin care product requires consistency and patience for results. Just as you can't expect radical changes in the skin overnight in the case of using retinol, it won't do any good if you don't use it regularly.

Excessive sun exposure

The use of sunscreen is very important in skin care. If sunscreen is not used during the day, no other product can work properly. Since retinol is a strong active ingredient, it makes the skin more sun sensitive. If you add retinol to your skin care routine and don't use sunscreen, you won't get the benefits of retinol, instead your skin will become more irritated. So be aware of using and reapplying the right amount of sunscreen. Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 during the day and apply a two-finger amount all over the face. Also, don't forget to reapply sunscreen every 3 hours.

Using retinol on sensitive skin

Why not get the benefits of using retinol?

Retinol should be added to the routine only after understanding the current condition of the skin. People with very sensitive skin or skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc., should stay away from using retinol. Because using retinol on sensitive skin can make the skin condition more dangerous. So understand your skin condition first, then add retinol. Consult a dermatologist and add retinol or its derivatives to your skin care routine accordingly.

Every thing has a certain rule of usage. Retinol works very well on the skin when used regularly. But there are many people who overuse retinol. It causes skin sensitivity, irritation, allergy and many other problems. So if you want to get the effectiveness of retinol, avoid excessive use.

Not following a basic skin care routine

It's true that retinol works great for skin, but that doesn't mean there's no need to follow a basic skin care routine. Be sure to use a good quality cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. Only then will you get the real benefits of using retinol.

Why not get the benefits of using retinol?

Hope you now understand the mistakes that can cause retinol or its derivatives to not give good results to the skin despite being so effective. Avoiding these mistakes will help you get healthy looking skin using retinol. I always rely on Sajgoz for authentic makeup, skincare and haircare products. You can also visit Sajgoj's website, app or physical store. Sajgoz has several physical shops. These shops are located at Jamuna Future Park, Shimonda Sambhar, Capital Siraj Center on Bailey Road, Eastern Mallika, Rankin Street in Warri, Bashundhara City, Padmanagar in Uttara (opposite Zamzam Tower), Kingshuk Tower in Mirpur and Khulshi Town Center in Chittagong. In addition to these shops, you can also shop onlineYou can buy all your useful or favorite products from less.

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